Survey services in Russia from SKS-M Company
In the implementation of transportation of almost all goods arises a need to accompany them with the help of specialized transport companies. Survey services in Russia (Novorossiysk) and in other cities of the Russian Federation, as well as in the near and far abroad, is provided by one of the largest companies in Russia – SKS-M. Upscale specialists and extensive experience in this field allow us to resolve any issues arising about cargo, its transportation and storage as soon as possible.
The survey service in Novorossiysk
Survey services should be provided by representatives of independent expert organizations. They carry out their operations in cases when one of the parties of the deal has expressed a wish for complete quality control execution of the goods, its packaging, loading/discharge processes, as well as of the transport in which it is delivered. Especially important is the involvement of specialists in this field of activity in the implementation of international transport.
What is a survey services? |Survey experience of SKS-M
The complex of survey services consists of several components:
- independent assessment of your goods for quality and quantity;
- inspection of means of transportation;
- quality checks of cargo securing during transportation;
- activities of emergency commissioners;
- control over the loading-unloading operations;
Based on the foresaid, we can say that the aforementioned services are a set of activities carried out by experts in the procedures of inspection of cargo.
Cases when shortages are identified, breach of packing condition or seals shall be recorded in the surveyor report. In this case, an act on the identified violations is drawn up, which can become an official document in the case of disputes and their resolution. Basically this applies to the integrality of the goods packaging, the absence of part of the goods or their damage. Also, it may contain facts of violation of the necessary conditions of transportation (temperature) and a number of others.
Of course, this type of business is very specific. It requires not only the necessary knowledge, but also a lot of experience. That is why the survey services in Russia, provided by SKS-M Company, will allow you to guarantee objectivity in assessing the safety of the cargo. Regardless of the specifics of the goods, the experience of our staff will take into account every detail, pay attention to minor damage to the goods, with the registration of legally binding documents.