Independent survey expertise in Russia. Company of SKS-M surveyors
Cargo control is important both for the sender and for the consignee of the goods. Independent survey expertise in Russia (Novorossiysk) from SKS-M will allow all concerned parties of the deal to avoid appearance of supernumerary situations. We will check the cargo throughout his ways, starting from the equipment stage.
The independent surveyor in Novorossiysk
The surveyor is an intermediary between the cargo owner, the freight carrier and the insurance company. He is engaged in conducting a full audit prior the conclusion of the insurance contract. The main and perhaps the key advantage of the surveyor is his independence. This means disinterestedness in material benefit. Our experts carry out an objective assessment of the cargo condition and of vehicles used in transportation, as well as possible risks.
The survey organization, in comparison with the insurance company representative has no material interest. We know all the implementation nuances of cargo transportation and conduct professional inspection.
Independent examination of the surveyor | Quality management
Employees of our company carry out inspection of goods according to the following characteristics:
- quality of cargo;
- packaging;
- transport;
- presence/absence of damage (damage to cargo);
- detection of shortage.
A singularity of our specialists is the fact that they, unlike representatives of many other firms, necessarily conduct an investigation and establish the reasons of identified cargo defects or its damage/shortage. This is an integral part of the contract for the provision of survey services concluded with us.
According to the results of the examination, the customer receives all information about cargo condition: quality of cargo, amount of storage space, the integrity and quality of packaging, product labeling, placement and mounting on the vehicle, as well as the characteristics of the vehicle.
All this information is recorded in our survey report. Without it, insurant will not prove that damage to the cargo – is an insurance case and the insurance company will not be protected from the insurer’s aspiration to hide any inconsistencies.
Thus, the services of our company will solve many problems, including if disputes arise between all participants in the transportation process. Independent survey expertise in Russia (Novorossiysk) and other cities of Russia, CIS countries and far abroad, SKS-M company guarantees the safety of your goods. Our experts, knowledge and experience are at your service 24 hours a day.